01 Dec Meeting of the Muses During Art Basel 2011
It’s that time of the year for the city of Miami–Hobnobbers, artists, collectors, hipsters, celebrities
(plenty pseudo) converge on the glistened gold shores of Miami Beach for Art Basel 2011. This year we,
and I include myself because for the very FIRST time I’ll immerse fully in the theatrics,
celebrate the 10th Anniversary. Yippee Art Basel!!!
I have my press pass ready, my Pin-up attire pressed, and my face all dolled up…and WHO do I meet on
opening night? Aside from enjoying wonderful works of art, lovely conversations, running into individuals
I didn’t expect to see (that’s for a later topic)…
I meet Ultra Violet (Isabelle Collin Dufresne) MUSE to Salvador Dali and Andy Warhol. It was
a meeting of the muses–and I say that in the most humble way. I mean, in this case I’m the psuedo
and she’s the big cheese, CLEARLY, but the universe is conspiring. (WINK)
She was absolutely interesting, informed, kind, with that sparkle in her eye and that flare in her
demeanor. We discussed art, history and I just wanted to sit at her feet and let her pet me.
Like a Grande Dame with a silly chihuahua…
Okay, okay, I’m going overboard, but it IS the truth. I just wanted to sit and listen to all her
wonderful stories in that sort of snooty-artsy-French way she speaks.
I’ve been VERY fortunate to meet some truly extraordinary souls: celebrities, stars, actors, singers
and very few really intrigued me. Not to say they are not intriguing in their own right, but Ultra
Violet is the kind of person I find fascinating. To have the ability to inspire another individual to want to create is very powerful. A muse can motivate you towards your Opus. Ouuuu, I love that!!!
Along with being a MUSE she is an artist in her own right…
It was an honor for me
More stories to come…may the muses enchant you today and everyday!